Kids' Culinary Camp
Dear Campers and Camp Families,
We are so sad to let you know that we have decided to cancel culinary and day camps for summer 2021. The past year has been extremely difficult and we hate to add one more disappointment, especially for your kids. It takes months of planning, recruitment and training for us to be able to provide quality camps for your kids. With the late notification that we would be allowed to run programs, it has made it very difficult (for camps everywhere) to recruit the necessary staff, and that was one issue that we just couldn’t overcome. We are so sorry for all the kids and families that we know really need camp this summer. We are trusting God to provide just what you need, and we will miss you!
Liz and Karl Seume
Directors at Quaker Cove
Know a chef in the making? Sign them up for our Culinary Camp! (Please fill out the registration form first, then we will send you an invoice via e-mail.)
We are so excited to be able to offer day programs again this summer! Some of our safety adjustments for culinary camp this year include outdoor tents and prep stations, small cohorts for cooking, and individual cast iron pam cooking!
All camps will operate in alignment with guidelines outlined in the Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery and feature the following:​
Daily health screening
Cohorts that remain together for the week, with an emphasis on physical distancing whenever possible
Enhanced cleaning and sanitation
Frequent handwashing/hand sanitizer
Masks required for staff and participants, except when eating, drinking, or during distanced breathing breaks.
All activities will be mainly outdoors (there will be some short times inside for oven use) unless forced to be indoors by weather, in which case only one cohort per area with distancing and increased ventilation.
Middle School & High School:
10 AM - 2 PM
T/TH, July 6th & 8th
First Session
1st-2nd Grade: 9 - 11 AM
M/W/F June 28, 30, & July 2nd
3rd-6th Grade: 1 - 4 PM
M/W/F June 28, 30, & July 2nd
Second Session
1st-2nd Grade: 9 - 11 AM
M/W/F July 5, 7, & 9
3rd-6th Grade: 1 - 4 PM
M/W/F July 5, 7, & 9

Camp Director Karl is a professionally trained chef with a repertoire of delicious international dishes. Karl will teach kids about ingredients, recipes, and prepare a meal together. Liz is an experienced baker and we will be baking one dessert in each class. By the end of each class, your little chef will have had some delicious food they had a hand in making. Adults will oversee the kitchen and dishes and skills will be tailored to age appropriate levels.
Cost per child varies by age ($5 off for every child after the second from the same family).
Already Signed Up?
If you've already filled out our registration form and received a confirmation e-mail with a medical form and your class time you are good to go. You can either mail or drop off cash or check, or pay here using a credit card or your PayPal account. If the name on your payment is different from the name you used to register your child, please send us an e-mail to let us know who you've paid for.