If you'd like to join our newsletter mailing list, please click here and fill out the form! We will be sure to send you the latest news by e-mail or snail mail! If you are a pastor or ministry leader please consider printing or requesting a paper copy/copies of our newsletter to lay out at your church or office (you can let us know in the comments section of the contact form.) Otherwise you'll find all our newsletters here!
Quaker Cove Quarterly
​March 2012
Here we would have a blurb about the latest newsletter with highlights. If a reader wanted to see the whole newsletter they would click on the "read more" button below. They would also be able to download the newsletter and print (for example to have available at their church).
As we published more newsletters, the previous newsletters would be listed below. We would want to come up with a different name for the newsletter that wouldn't limit us to a specific number of newsletters per year though as the needed frequency might change depending on how much is going on to report about.
Quaker Cove Quarterly
​January 2012
Blurb about newsletter...
Quaker Cove Quarterly
​October 2011
Blurb about newsletter...